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Excel to Tally Prime Import Sales Vouchers

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What is Sales Vouchers

The Sales Voucher is most widely used by the users of Tally.ERP9 is a type of accounting voucher. Depending on the nature of your business, it can be created in the Invoice mode or Voucher mode. In the Invoice mode, you can print and provide a copy of the invoice to your customers. The Voucher mode can be used when you want to record transactions for the statutory purpose only basically, and when you don’t necessarily have the need to print and share the information with your customer. (ref Tally Solutions)

How to import Sales Voucher data from Excel to tally prime?

Step 1- Put Data In Template Using Smart Mapping

Excel-Tally software provides you smart data mapping functionality, that helps you to copy all your data from your file to a template without any mistakes. 

or simply copy-paste your data column-wise from your sheet to the software template file.

Step 2- Now Match Ledger & Items with Tally Before Importing


Software highlights you, New Ledger, by Red Color And Duplicate ledger by Green color by comparing with Tally data 

(for detailed ledger Creation use SHEET 2 OPTION  while importing files using software)


Software highlights your New Stock Items in Red Color And Duplicate Stock items in Green color by comparing with Tally data (for detailed Stock items Creation use SHEET 3 OPTION while importing file using software )

Step 3- Now Use Create GST Ledger Button

Software Auto Creates GST Ledgers by comparing Invoice GST Number & Place of Supply, Accordingly Create Ledgers as SGST & CGST or IGST also calculate their amours as per TAX RATE Specified.​

Software Create Other Ledger as per Headings specified in your data with its amounts in a single click.​

Step 4- Now Select Template In Software & Click Import ...Done !

Open Excel-Tally Software, it will shows you Dashboard here you can select company in which you want to import data. 

Now All set just select template file in software using Sales with Inventory Button & Click on Import Button, 

check the software dashboard it will show you Count of Ledgers, Stock items,Invoice Records created.

check in tally all your records are imported successfully

follow Same steps to import Sales without Inventory data
using Excel-Tally Software

You can Import Sales Voucher with Following details

Invoice details

You can import data with Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Bill ref number & invoice Voucher Type.

Buyer Details

You can import data with Buyer Name, Address, state, City, Country & GSTN with place of supply

Consignee Details

You can import data with Consignee Name, Address, state, City, Country & GSTN with Destination

Dispatch Details

You can import Sales voucher with Delivery Note, Delivery Date, Doc No, Dispatched Through and Destination

Order Details

You can import data with Order No, Order Due Date, Tracking No, Other Ref Number,Mode of Payment

Transporter Details

Your can import  data with Terms of Delivery, LR/RR No, LR/RR Date, Vehicle No

Stock Item Details

You can import data with Item Name,Item Desc, HSN CODE, Godown, Batch No, ExpiryDate, MFG DATE, QTY, UOM, Item Rate

Tax & Other Ledgers details

You can import data with 25+ other ledgers & Tax ledgers with Auto Creation options in single invoice or multi invoice mode 

Cost Center & Narration

Your can import data Party ledger link with Cost center &  Cost Category, Also import Narrations in single or Multi invoice mode 

Can Import Multi Currency data using Same voucher Template

You can import Multi Currency data in same Voucher template by Providing Amount , Foreign Currency Symbol, Rate Of Exchange

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